Chief Knowledge Officer

  Who is the Chief Knowledge Officer of your organization? Chief information officer is not the Chief Knowledge Officer
Do you have a chief knowledge officer in your organization? There are different opinions on having a Chief Knowledge Officer (CKO) or not. If your organization is a learning organization and knowledge is shared across all the platforms and innovation is part of the culture then why you need a CKO? Before that let us find out what the roll and responsibility of a CKO.

Chief Knowledge Officer
Chief Knowledge Officer has to facilitate knowledge creation, sharing, and innovation across the organization to achieve its strategic objectives.
Chief Knowledge Officer has to facilitate knowledge creation, sharing, and innovation across the organization to achieve its strategic objectives.

The ultimate success of CKO is to make all his or her responsibility or job a part of all the organization process or DNA so the absence of the CKO is never felt. So it is more likely that a successful CKO is who has no job. For this reasons some organizations don't have a CKO post and expect all seniors or divisional heads to perform the role of CKO in their own process. CKO is not the chief information officer and is different in many ways.

CKO have the knowledge of facilitating innovation in all process of the organization so he who knows the strategic requirement and knowledge creation. It is more likely that CKO is the next General Manager of the organization.

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